Admission for Fall 2024 of EEE is going on

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BSc in EEE) program of Southeast University (SEU) and its curriculum are designed to provide the fundamental knowledge and principles of engineering and science, and the broad general education knowledge for the continued professional growth of its graduates. The general objectives of the 4-year BSc in EEE program are to prepare the graduates to become successful in their chosen career paths. The program educational objectives (PEOs) of the BSc in EEE program have been set in such a way that after 3-5 years of graduation the graduates can demonstrate their ability to:

PEO1: Expertise:
Demonstrate their capability as electrical and electronic engineers by acquiring the complex engineering problem-solving skills and knowledge, team-work abilities, and communication skills during their study in the program.

PEO2: Enhancement:
Enhance professional growth continuously through post-graduate education, continuing education or professional activities or training or licensure, and thus participate in lifelong-learning activities that develop their confidence level and sustainability in the job market.

PEO3: Engagement:
Engage in technical or business activities professionally and ethically through electrical and electronic engineering knowledge, social justice, leadership roles and responsibilities, communication and other soft skills and thus make professional contributions to the society.

PEO4: Contribution:
Contribute to the national level in the areas of electrical and electronic engineering and thus contribute the progress and development of the country.

Mapping of Mission of the Department with the PEOs

Mission Statements of BSc in EEE Program





1. To educate our students with engineering knowledge to meet the demands of the employers for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates and prepare them for higher education opportunities at home and abroad.



2. To create and disseminate new knowledge through basic and applied research in the fields of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.



3. To develop expertise in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in order to serve the needs of the University, the nation and the global community in the long run.




4. To provide technical know-how and professional services to the Electrical and Electronic Engineering community in Bangladesh and other countries around the globe.