Advisory Board
Chief Adviser
Prof. Yusuf Mahbubul Islam, Ph.D
Vice Chancellor Southeast University Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
Prof. M. Mofazzal Hossain, PhD, SM IEEE
Pro Vice Chancellor Southeast University Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
Prof. Dr. Yingjie Cai
Wuhan Textile University China |
Prof. Dr. ABM Faroque
Dean, School of Science and Engineering Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
Dr. Fazley Elahi
Head of Research and Development, DBL Group Gazipur, Bangladesh |
Prof. Dr. Mustafizur Rahman
Former Treasurer Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
Dr. Abu Sadat Muhammad Sayem
Research Associate Manchester Fashion Institute Manchester Metropolitan University. UK. |
Prof. Dr. Zulhash Uddin
Ex-Dean, Faculty of Textile Chemical Engineering Bangladesh University of Textiles Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Dr. A K M Mahabubuzzaman
Chief Scientific Officer Bangladesh Jute Research Institute Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Prof. Dr. A.N.M. Hamidul Kabir
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Dr. Tarannum Afrin
Laboratory Manager Charles Parson Parsons & Co Pty Ltd. & Visiting Fellow, Deakin University, Australia. |
Dr. Priscilla Chan
Senior Lecturer International Fashion Business Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. |
Dr. Mahmudul H. Akonda
Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Materials University of Manchester, UK. |
Dr. Vijay Kumar
Senior Lecturer Faculty of Textiles University of BorĂ¥s, Sweden. |