Guidelines for Authors
1. Manuscripts should be written in English-British or American as long as consistency is observed.
2. Paper must be based on original research, unpublished and must not be submitted in whole or in part elsewhere.
3. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other co-authors.
4. The corresponding author must ensure that the articles emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of the necessary institution.
5. The manuscript contains nothing obscene, indecent, objectionable or libelous.
6. For writing research article, please use the manuscript template written separately after “Guidelines to Authors”.
7. The manuscript should be submitted through email both in .pdf and .docx/.doc formats.
8. Plagiarism will be checked by using software; the similarity index should be less than 25%.
9. Reference should be cited as follows:
a) In case of journal article: initials of author’s first names separated by dots and spaces, last name in full, other authors are separated by commas, ‘and’ before the last author, “Title of the article,” name of the Journal, volume, no, pp. xx-xx., year, doi: xxxxxx.
b) In case of book: Initials of author’s first names separated by dots and spaces, last name in full, other authors are separated by commas, ‘and’ before the last author, “Title of the book,” publisher’s name with city and country, edition, chapter no, year, pp. xx-xx.
c) For citation of the conference proceeding: Initials of author’s first names separated by dots and spaces, last name in full, other authors are separated by commas, ‘and’ before the last author, “Title of the conference paper,” conference title, city, country, year, pp. xx-xx.
d) In case of online (website) periodical: Initials of author’s first names separated by dots and spaces, last name in full, other authors are separated by commas, ‘and’ before the last author, “Title of the periodical,” source name, year, web address.
10. Acknowledgements of contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chairperson who provided only general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged.
11. Authors are also responsible for disclosing financial support from the industry or other conflicts of interest that might bias the interpretation of results.
12. All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to single-blind peer-review process.
13. An acceptance letter may be issued after receiving comments from the reviewer.
14. After acceptance of the paper the Editor-in-Chief or editorial panel will send proof to corresponding author for final corrections of the paper. It should be mentioned that major correction will not be accepted. Minor correction such as spelling check could be done.
15. Once paper is accepted for publication, all authors must sign the e-copyright transfer and consent form and send it back to the Editor-in-Chief through email.
For further details, please contact to the Editor-in-Chief directly through email: [email protected]
Template File
Please prepare your paper following the Template File and send to the journal editor via email.