Admission for Fall 2024 of Economics is going on

Research Report of Faculties

Period : January-December, 2015

  • Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim
    • Research (Theses Supervisor):
      • Impact of Non-formal Education to Protect and Ensure Human Rights of Sex Worker Children – An Analysis of Major Challenges and Opportunities from Bangladesh Concept
      • An Analysis of Functional Activities of Development Research Initiative (DRI)
      • Evaluation of Recruitment and Selection Process of VU Mobile Ltd.
      • Microfinance and Micro Insurance in IDF
      • Situation on Child Labour Dhaka North City Corporation at Mirpur Area
      • Sustainability of Microcredit Institution – The Case of ASA
      • Women’s Empowerment : Impact of Shouhardo Program
      • Misuse of Antibiotics in Bangladesh : An Application of Audit Study(Ongoing)
  • Dr. Talukder Golam Rabby, Assistant Professor, Chairman
    • Research (Theses Supervisor):
      • Good Governance and Female Member at the Bottom Level of Local Government
      • Changing Security Paradigm-Human Security Challenges : Ways Ahead For Bangladesh
      • Livelihood Conditions of Street Children in Dhaka City
      • Factors Affecting Smoking Behavior of Working Children
      • Monga-Seasonal Food Insecurity and vulnerability in Bangladesh : Evidences from Rangpur Region
      • Economic Empowerment of Extreme Poor
      • Performance Evaluation of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Through Ratio Analysis.
      • Credit Disbursement System of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, Bangladesh
      • General Banking, Promotional Activities for Loan & Advances of IFIC Bank Ltd.
      • Misuse of Antibiotics in Bangladesh : An Application of Audit Study(Ongoing)
    • Journal/Publication:
      • Innovation and Interchangable Environment Friendly Technology: A Review", Banglavision Research Journal, 15(1), 2015
      • Livelihoods and Labeling of Rural Women in the Urban Slums in Bangladesh", Worldvision Research Journal, 9(1), 2015
      • Non-compliance Symptom and Misuse of Antibiotic in an Urban Community.(Ongoing)
      • Factor Affecting Income of Female Migrants Living in Urban Slum: A Case Study Bangladesh(Ongoing)
      • Variation on Financial Status and Caregivers’ Knowledge about Child Nutrition: A Study on Bangladesh(Ongoing)
      • Tobacco Consumption of University Student in Bangladesh(Ongoing)
      • Poverty and Income Inequality of Low-lying Remote Area in Bangladesh(Ongoing)
      • Unmarried Female: The Invisible Tobacco Consumer in Bangladesh
  • Kazi Tanvir Mahmud, PhD, Assistant Professor
    • Research:
      • Opinions of the Farmers’ about their Economic Well-beings: Evidence from Organic Farming in Bangladesh(Ongoing)
    • Journal/Publication:
      • Can Zakat System Alleviate Rural Poverty in Bangladesh? A Propensity Score Matching Approach
        (Published in the Journal of Poverty) (abroad)
      • Small Credit for Big Opportunities: A Case of BRAC’s Agribusiness Program in Bangladesh(Ongoing)
        Submitted to: International Journal of Economics and Finance (Accepted)(aboard)
      • Co2 Emission, Electricity Power Consumption, Financial Development and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: ARDL Bound Testing Approach”(Ongoing)
        Submitted to: Energy Studies Review (Under review) (abroad)
      • Does Training Really Matter to the Rural Poor Borrowers in Bangladesh? A Case Study on BRAC.(Ongoing)
        Submitted to: Journal of International Development (Accepted)(abroad)
      • Linkage between Formal and Informal Credit Markets in Bangladesh(Ongoing)
        Submitted to: International journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (Under review)(abroad)
  • Shaiara Husain, Lecturer
    • Research:
      • Opinions of the Farmers’ about their Economic Well-beings: Evidence from Organic Farming in Bangladesh (Initiated)
    • Journal/Publication:
      • Does Gravity model explain Bangladesh’s direction of trade? A panel data approach.IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 6, Issue 3. Ver. II (May.-Jun. 2015),PP 01-14
      • Assessment of socioeconomic conditions of street vendors of Dhaka city: Evidence from Bangladesh. Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 26; 2015 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
      • "Small Credit for Big Opportunities: A Case of BRAC’s Agribusiness Program in Bangladesh” got acceptance from International Journal of Economics and Finance on 22.10.15(in press)(Ongoing)
      • Impact of microcredit on household income and expenditure of the BRAC borrow res: Evidence from agribusiness programme in Bangladesh(Ongoing)
        Submitted to The Journal of Developing Economies
  • Md. Shahidul Islam, Lecturer
    • Research:
      • Assessment of the Socioeconomic Aspects of Street Vendors in Dhaka City: Evidence from Bangladesh.
      • Misuse of Antibiotics in Bangladesh: An Application of Audit Study.
      • A Test for the Cobb Douglas Production Function in Manufacturing Sector: The Case Of Bangladesh.
      • Impact of multiple borrowing on livelihood of small rural community: A study in Bogra District of Bangladesh.(Ongoing)
      • The impact of maternal employment on child nutrition in rural Bangladesh.(Ongoing)
    • Journal/Publication:
      • Assessment of the Socioeconomic Aspects of Street Vendors in Dhaka City: Evidence from Bangladesh-Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 26; 2015 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 doi:10.5539/ass.v11n26p1
      • A Test for the Cobb Douglas Production Function in Manufacturing Sector: The Case Of Bangladesh(Ongoing)
  • Md. Abdullah Shihab, Lecturer
    • Research:
      • Tobacco Consumption Among Slum Women of Dhaka City: Causes, Consequences and Remedies. Funded by: IRT, SEU(Ongoing)
      • Opinions of the Farmers’ about their Economic Well-beings: Evidence from Organic Farming in Bangladesh (Initiated)
    • Journal/Publication:
      • “Small Credit for Big Opportunities: A Case of BRAC’s Agribusiness Program in Bangladesh” got acceptance from International Journal of Economics and Finance on 22.10.15(in press)(Ongoing)