Admission for Fall 2024 of Architecture is going on

Research Report of Faculties

Period : January-December, 2015

  • Meer Mobashsher Ali, Chairman
    • Seminar:
      • Urban Thinkers campus, Dept. of Architecture, BUET (Ongoing).
      • Seminar on “Science and Culture” Organized by SEU
      • Seminar at Southeast University on “Innovation for Smart Green Building Technology”
    • Workshop:
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference:
      • The world day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. First round table discussion on Preservation of the Built Heritage of Old Dhaka, Bangladesh Jointly Presented by ICOMOS Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka and Dept of Architecture, Southeast University, Dhaka.
  • Md. Sazzad Hossain, Assistant Professor & Coordinator
    • Research:
      • “Reinterpretation of form and place” a case choto katra; Funded by IRT, SEU (Ongoing).
    • Seminar:
      • Urban Thinkers campus, Dept. of Architecture, BUET (Ongoing).
      • Seminar on “Science and Culture” Organized by SEU (Completed).
    • Workshop:
      • Research Capacity Building Training Program by IRT; SEU (ongoing)
      • Inauguration workshop on the establishment of IQAC
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference:
      • “Engage Dhaka” International Conference organized by Bengal Foundation.
      • The world day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. First round table discussion on Preservation of the Built Heritage of Old Dhaka, Bangladesh Jointly Presented by ICOMOS Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka and Dept of Architecture, Southeast University, Dhaka.
  • Muhammad Shamsuzzaman, Senior Lecturer
    • Research:
      • Title: "Dhaka for Future Generations: Our Actions". Organization: Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP). From Oct 2014 (Ongoing)-
    • Journal Publication(Home):
      • A Comparative Analysis of Plot Housing Schemes and Multi-Storeyed Apartment Block Housing Schemes in Dhaka: Land Economization and Urban Community Services in the Context of Post Private Housing Land Development Rule, 2004 Scenario of Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Volume 7, 2014.
    • Seminar(Home):
      • IAB Lecture Series: Sharing Stories; Architect Bashirul Haq with the Young, 20 August 2015. Organizer: Institute of Architects, Bangladesh.
      • IAB Lecture Series: Earthquake and Architecture, 16 May 2015, Organizer: Institute of Architects, Bangladesh.
      • Plenary sessions for presenting the recommendations of the expert groups for the study-based conference on "Dhaka for Future Generations: Our Actions". 13 January 2015. Organizer: Bangladesh Institute of Planners.
      • Special lecture by Gary Hack: "Disrupting Change and Pattern of Cities" Sept 9, 2015. Jointly organized by Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscapes and Settlements and BRAC University, Department of Architecture.
      • Lecture "In the Terrain of Rain" by Professor Anuradha Mathur and Professor Dilip da Cunha on 12 August 2015, organized by Bengal Institute for Architecture
    • Workshop(Home):
      • Title: “Urban Climate Change Resilience: Role of Multi-stakeholder Collaboration” jointly organized by International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and Urban for Humanity, Dhaka 17 May 2015
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference(Home):
      • “International Architecture Conference ‘Engage Dhaka’, Dhaka, Bangladesh. January 15-17 2015, Organizer: Bengal Foundation
    • Conference(Abroad):
      • XI International Conference on Cities and Transport Towards a Sustainable World, Mexico City, Mexico. August 12-14 2015. Organier: CTS EMBARQ Mexico
  • Jubaida Gulshan Ara, Senior Lecturer
    • Research:
      • “Mandatory Unpaved Space” provisions in Building Construction Rules in terms of rainwater penetration and surface runoff reduction(ongoing)
      • “Conversion of Conventional Shipping Container as a Livable Unit” (Completed in 2015)
      • “Thermal Comfort Analysis of Converted Livable Shipping Container” (Completed in 2015)Publications:
      • “The Preference of Daylight Illumination in an Architectural Design Studio in A Tropical Country like Bangladesh”
    • Seminar:
      • International Seminar on "Architecture for Sustainable and Resilient Habitat: Think Local ".
      • “Earthquake and Architecture” seminar organized by IAB.
      • “Seminar Program in the Study and Design of Settlements and Landscapes”. Organized by Bengal Institute.
      • Seminar on “World Habitat Day” Organized by Urban Development Directorate
      • Seminar on “Science and Culture” Organized by SEU
      • Seminar at Southeast University on “Innovation for Smart Green Building Technology”
    • Workshop:
      • Research Capacity Building Training Program by IRT; SEU (ongoing)
      • Inauguration workshop on the establishment of IQAC
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference:
      • “Engage Dhaka” International Conference organized by Bengal Foundation.
      • “World Architecture Day 2015” organized by IAB
  • Latifa Sultana, Lecturer
    • Seminar:
      • International Membrane Symposium at Anhalt University, Dessau, Germany.
    • Workshop:
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
  • Mr. Tawfique Rahman, Lecturer
    • Research:
      • Working as an Assistant Researcher on “Reinterpretation of form and place” a case choto katra; Funded by IRT, SEU.(Ongoing).
    • Publications in Journal:
      • Green building: myth and facts in the context of Bangladesh.(Ongoing)
    • Workshop:
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference:
      • “Engage Dhaka” International Conference organized by Bengal Foundation.
  • Razia Kamal, Lecturer
    • Research:
      • Association between Urban Neighborhood Built Environment Attributes and Active Recreational Time Spent across Adolescents and Youths in Dhaka (Ongoing).
    • Seminar:
      • Seminar on “Architecture for Green Living” speaker: Rafiq Azam at Dept of Architecture, Ahsanullah University of science and technology, Tejgaon, Dhaka.
      • Seminar On “Digital Heritage : Fact, Fiction and Fantasy” Was Held at Architecture Discipline, Khulna University, speaker: Ar. Hafizur Rahman.
      • Seminar on “ Disruptive Change and The Pattern of Cities “ By Gary Hack at Brac Center, Mohakhali.
      • Seminar on “ Architecture as an Embodiment and Natural Phenomenon” By Dr. Abed Chaudhury.
      • Seminar on “ In The Terrain of Rain” By Anuradha Mathur and Dilip Da Cunha.
      • Seminar on “ The Validation of Architecture” By Dr. Suha Ozkan at Bengal Shilpalay, Dhanmondi.
      • Seminar on “ Lowlands/Highlands: Strategies for Landscape Architecture” By Carey Clouse. Conference: 2 (Home)
    • Workshop:
      • Eco-Dome Village Design and Disaster Resistance at HBRI (Housing and Building Research Institute) with the collaboration of New Earth UK, Feb’2015.
      • Ceramic Houses and Earth Architecture at HBRI (Housing and Building Research Institute) with the collaboration of New Earth UK, Feb’2015.
      • First ICOMOS-Bangladesh Workshop on Heritage Conservation and Management at Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Feb 2015.
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference:
      • Engage Dhaka 2015 International Architecture Conference at Army Museum, Bengal Foundation Dhaka, Bangladesh, JAN’2015, Speaker Ar. Tan Pei Ing.
      • The world day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. First round table discussion on Preservation of the Built Heritage of Old Dhaka, Bangladesh Jointly Presented by ICOMOS Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka and Dept of Architecture, Southeast University, Dhaka.
  • Awnily Shabnam, Lecturer
    • Workshop:
      • Attended workshop as an organizer & instructor on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- A Master Class by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili.
      • Attended workshop on “ceramic houses and earth architecture” at HBRI
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
    • Conference:
      • Engage Dhaka 2015 : international architecture conference
      • The world day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. First round table discussion on Preservation of the Built Heritage of Old Dhaka, Bangladesh Jointly Presented by ICOMOS Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka and Dept of Architecture, Southeast University, Dhaka.
  • Anindya Pandit, Lecturer
    • Workshop:
      • ICOMOS workshop on “Understanding Heritage Significance of Cultural Sites”
      • Work shop on “21st Century Eco-Village Design”- by Ar.Iliona Outram Khalili
    • Conference:
      • The world day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. First round table discussion on Preservation of the Built Heritage of Old Dhaka, Bangladesh Jointly Presented by ICOMOS Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka and Dept of Architecture, Southeast University, Dhaka.